Friday, 3 April 2015

April fool day Special apps to play pranks on your friends

It’s April fool’s day and we are presenting some of the best apps to play pranks on your friends ,this will definitely add a lot more Joy and excitement in your day,play these pranks to fool your friends,colleagues,neighbors etc,the apps along with the instructions to use them are listed down,follow up the landing page to download them.
1)Fake a bad dent on someone’s car:-Your friend’s car is probably one of the most expensive thing ,so playing any pranks on will will definitely get a more touchy,you just need to get a photograph of your friend’s card and add special effects using ‘dude your car’ app,like burning or broken glass ,send the pic to your friend and fool them.

2)Fake a cracked or damaged phone screen:-This prank for broken screen is very popular but it would still look so real for people who don’t know about it and will be enough to fool people,’Crack your screen prank app’ for android let’s you do this in few easy ways,crack on shake,crack on touch or auto crack timer,this would make it all look like an accident and make the prank more realistic.

3)Blue screen virus:-We already know about that blue screen which suddenly appeared on our computer’s screen and crashed everything,the same thing can occur on a phone using the virus prank app ,faking the phone’s screen and making it look like it has crashed,just download the app and install it on your friend’s phone,and configure it ,the app will make the phone looked hanged up and crashed.

4)Faking a call:-You can fake a call from police or FBI in order to frighten your friends,use the fake call app and schedule the fake call on your phone,this will surprise your friend and make him puzzled,the call can be scheduled as per your wish and also a spoofed number can be assigned to the call.

Now when you know about the apps ,just look for someone around you and play the trick on them,as you already know the techniques just make sure no one fools you using the same pranks at-least.

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